Please feel free to contact us about any of the escorts featured on our website, or if you are interested in joining our agency and looking for work opportunities using the contact details and form below:
For all enquiries, including bookings, employment or availability of escorts please text, whatsapp or Telegram using the contact info below, or alternatively message using our online contact form below. You will receive a reply promptly, and usually within 30 minutes!
WhatsApp 07519 268165 |
Telegram @SundanceAgency |
Add us on Snapchat |
Please Note:
We do not answer phone calls for privacy on both sides.
Not all of the escorts listed within our agency offer incall services so please check on their profiles as to whether they offer incall or outcall.
In addition, a polite reminder that just because a companion is showing as available today, does not mean they can accept every booking. We will take the enquiry from you, and ask service providers if they would like to accept. At Sundance we love our team and as self employed ladies they have the right to turn down or accept bookings.